About > Main themes

THEME 1  - Archaeology, Architecture and Building cultures

1.1     History of earthen architecture: origins, evolutions, technological breakthroughs and continuity

1.2     Typologies, functions and uses

1.3     Building techniques, practices and know-how in their historical, environmental and cultural context

1.4     Building design, systems and metrology

1.5     Construction site organisation: production chains, manufacturing processes, workforce, etc.

1.6     Ethnoarchaeology and vernacular traditions

1.7     Ancient maintenance and rehabilitation practices


THEME 2 - Raw and Building materials

2.1     Characterisation of building materials

2.2     Material analysis (laboratory and field) and protocols

2.3     Geoarchaeological and environmental analyses

2.4     Physico-technical analysis

2.5     Archaeobotanical analysis


THEME 3 - Conservation, Valorisation and Management

3.1     Threats, circumstances and processes of decay; impact of climatic change

3.2     Condition survey protocols

3.3     Preventive conservation

3.4     Green conservation practices

3.5     Reconstruction: potential and limits with regard to international standards

3.6     Planning, management, community engagement



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